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Facebook Fan Page Contest Winner: Over 3,000 Likes Strong - 7,000 (or More) to GO!

February 28, 2014

A year ago I had lunch with my publisher, who recommended I get working on getting more Likes on my Facebook Fan page, Indian As Apple Pie. I know. I know. In this world of 'Likes,' 'Clicks,' 'Tweets' what does it all mean anyway? 

It actually means a lot. I began with about 50 Likes and have worked my way up slowly and surely. Not by senseless, random advertising and marketing, but by giving all of you (hopefully) something to look forward to that is hard to find on a blog or website. Nuggets of information - quick cooking tips - more quick prep pictures and the like. A place where we can all talk real time. And where I can slowly build my 'Friend-Fan' base right from my kitchen in Chicago. 

At the time, my publisher challenged me to boost the visibility of my Fan page and for that matter, my blog as well. I think I have done that, but I know I can do more with it. But will only do it honestly and from a grassroots perspective. There are some folks that buy 'Likes'. I'm not sure what that even means. To me, if you don't give folks something of yourself with every post then you really don't deserve their attention. 

That's how I came up with my little give-away contest to reward new 'Likes' and clicks from friends that have been there from day 1. It's simple. For every 500 new 'Likes' I give away a cookbook. For every '1,000' I give away a Spice Tiffin. You enter by just answering a simple question on my Facebook Fan page. And you get 2 entries by also sharing the page. This way, we can help each other. (And yes, my publisher and I have a bet on that I can reach 10,000 Likes by the end of 2014! - much easier said than done). 

The quest this time around? For all of you to head to this Website and tell me what you like, what you would change, and what to modify. 

I read each and every one of those comments and suggestions. Some of you said you love the color and pictures (thank goodness). Others of you wanted the cookbooks under a simple tab that said just Books (done!). Or that you wanted the cookbook images on the first page rather than spice pictures (working on it - but this Shopify website is a bit of a different animal)...An easy click button to print just the recipe at the bottom of every post (almost done)...More spices offered to purchase (boy am I working on that one!)...and just more, more, more recipes (yes, yes, yes!) 

Many of you shared my page on your pages. Thank you for your generosity. It truly means the world. 

What I did was take all of your names and comments and put them in a list in my little old-school notebook and assigned you all a number. If you shared the post then you got two numbers. All of those numbers went into a website that many of us use to pick winners in contests, where a computer randomly picks a winner. 

AND. The winning number was ...... 40.....who was (drumroll please)....SHEETAL CRAIG

Sheetal, all you have to do is email me ( with your mailing address and I will send you our amazing Spice Tiffin. Sheetal, I hope you love yours as much as I love love love all 12 of mine. (I use mine for Indian, Italian, East Asian, Oatmeal Toppings, Sundae Sprinkles, Soup...and so so much more!)

If you did not win this time around. Please don't worry. We are not too far from our next giveaway at 3,500 likes! 

What if you are not on Facebook? Not to worry. I'll run some fun giveaways soon on my Website, too. And of course more recipes, tips, and cooking ideas. 

And, in the meantime. Keep on Cooking! 

xoxo Anupy

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