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Make 2025 the year you learn to cook like an Indian Mother right from your own kitchen!

The CURRY MASTER CLASS is the perfect way to learn how to cook classic curries. We will start by tackling three: Tikka Masala, Korma, and Coconut Curry. We will cook up the recipes together on the stovetop, and we'll give you tips and tricks on how to make them in the Instant Pot and Slow Cooker as well. We focus on teaching you how to make the base curry so that you can add any main ingredient from tofu and vegetables to chicken, seafood, pork, or beef.  Once you get the curry down — everything else is... easy as pie!

Disclaimer: Curry to us means gravy. Indians do not traditionally use a curry powder to cook Indian food. We use key whole spices and curated spice blends called MASALA. If you need any spices, we've got you covered. 

After you are signed up for class, you'll receive the recipe and link at least a week before so you can gather your ingredients. The best way to learn is to cook alongside Anupy, so please make sure you have everything handy if you plan to do so.  

Choose from three types of virtual classes

  • GROUP CLASS - once a month, 10AM CT on a Saturday ($35/class) — buy all 3/$100
  • PRIVATE CLASS - just you and Anupy ($100/class) — schedule ahead
  • INSTANT POT BASICS  - small groups ($50/class) — schedule ahead