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Haldi Achaar: Quick, Easy Pickled Turmeric

May 10, 2016

Haldi Achaar: Quick, Easy Pickled Turmeric - Indian As Apple Pie

No doubt, the hottest spice these days is Turmeric. Warm, earthy, bold in flavor. Healthy for you. But how do you actually eat it? And why should you really? 

Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory. In the most basic sense, think of how you feel when you wake up with a sore throat. It hurts to swallow. The tissue in your throat is swollen. 

The curcumin in turmeric helps fight the infection and inflammation. 

A very easy way to get fresh turmeric into your day? Pickle it! 

You can find fresh turmeric now in many specialty grocers. In Chicago, I head to Devon Ave. to Fresh Farms International Market or to Whole Foods Market. Grab a bunch, wash it, and peel. Use gloves - my hands were stained yellow for days after this recipe. I typically use a paring knife to peel to make sure I only scrape off the peel You can also find white turmeric, I prefer this beautiful yellow-orange variety for pickling. 

Slice it in matchsticks and put in a glass container with a lid. I also add sliced ginger and/or green chile peppers as you can see in the last shot above. 

Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt and juice of 1 lemon. Add more if you like. 

Secure the lid and store in fridge for 6 days. Be sure to shake it in between so that the turmeric does not dry out. 

You can eat it as is, or with a plate of Indian food. You can also add to sandwiches and in salads. It's a fun, delicious way to enjoy your turmeric a day! This will last up to a month refrigerated. 

We've been eating a piece every morning and once at night in our house. The kids too. The lemon juice does a lot to balance out the strong, earthy taste from the turmeric. Don't be afraid to let your kids try it! 

Enjoy! xoxo Anupy



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